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Friday, May 05, 2006 

Bike Rides, Waterfalls and Glistening Nightmares...

Bikes are meant to be driven, preferably on long and empty roads. This was what made me enthusiastically say yes when susse came up with the idea of driving to hokkenagal. Now don't get me wrong, I’m not an awesome biker or anything. In fact my best friend, Nandhini, thinks exactly the opposite, and the only reason she sits behind me normally is that it’s the only transport available. So anyway, back to hokkenagal. It was a four hour drive and we left at 2:30PM on a very hot day. It started to sweat almost immediately. The roads, at least upto hosur were diametrically the opposite of long and empty, and the sun was beating down on our heads as if roasted heads had suddenly come in style. Oh, and btw I was driving a splendor. While the other two bikes, a thunderbird and an rx135 would touch ninety and beyond with effortless ease, my bike would refuse to go beyond seventy, to the extent that n actually asked me to go faster, something which had never Ever happened before. On upslopes we would be extremely lucky to cross 20.

But after hosur the roads became really good. It was only once in a while that we would see other vehicles, and the road stretched out in the horizon. If I had to lie, I would also paint a wonderful sunset, flowers by the wayside and country belles, but unfortunately there was nothing of the sort. What surprised us was the amount of interest that we created when we stopped in any village. I supposed half of them thought we were mad, but other than that I cannot see the interest we sparked. You would think srk had come to shoot a film or something. Anyway, the journey itself was uneventful, except susse and monez decided to rescue a cat. (I think it was susse's 'c I can do good things also' gesture of a lifetime). It was around seven though, that things got a little hairy. We were, as usual lagging behind, and it began to get very dark. The last fifteen km or so had very bad roads, and the absence of any kind of moonlight accompanied by headlights which were anything but made the journey a bit complicated. Both of us heaved a huge sigh of relief when we finally reached.

We found the other guys busily arguing with a bunch of what I assumed were fishermen. Apparently we could spend the night on an uninhabited island just off the shore. The idea seemed weird enough to do, so with some misgivings, we decided to go there. It involved two moonlit bamboo boat rides, which would have thrilled the hearts of both subhash ghai and alfred hitchcock, for different reasons. Anyway the island was fabulous, if infested with mosquitoes. They seemed rather glad that we were there, and refused to leave us alone. The fishermen lit us a campfire, and it was pretty awesome. The next morning we prepared to go to the Waterfall. The capital W is significant. It turned out that that they gave massages near it. The place was famous for it, and susse and hari were adamant about going there. All this was fine, except that we didn’t count on the skin show. I don't think I’ve seen that many glistening potbellied semi-nude men ever in my entire life, and I’m pretty sure neither have the two girls. Add on to the fact that people were shitting upstream to us, that susse and hari were among the potbellied semi-nude population, and the water was filled with biting fishes, it was rather an interesting experience, to say the least.

The journey back was pretty normal. Apart from an incident where joo wanted to kill the cat, and once when n and hari were so engrossed in eating they forgot to spot us, we made good time. There were plans afoot to go to a disc that night, but I doubt a thunderstorm would have woken any of us up. Surprisingly (or not), the girls slept the most.


the publicity was worth it..
n how typical of hari n maadu..

the publicity was worth it..
n how typical of hari n maadu..
(this one is 4 da 2nd publicity stunt..)

u're right... should've posted the singing thing.. and oh btw.. somebody pls write abt the boat building idea and it's conciever!

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hey glad to konw that you are turned towards Mother Nature :)..adventure life ha?? cool man....but the mystery is who was behind you on your bike(pilion roder)??....and i feel you don't have inferiorty complex anymore about your pot belly right;)?cause POT belly Uncles must have given you a gooooooood massage....so dude keep on rollin and keep travelling cause traveling fuel our brains

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